Have you ever read the ingredients in the lotions and soaps that you purchase at the store? Have you ever researched any of the "scientific-sounding" ingredients? Scary. Several of the things used to make these beauty products has been linked to causing cancer and other devastating diseases. So what can you do, I mean you have to use deodorant, right? (well, I guess you don't have to) I came up with a solution for myself and my family - make my own all-natural products.
I enjoy making and using all-natural products in my home and as part of my "beauty" routine. I love the fact that I know exactly what's in the stuff I'm using and that it's totally safe to use. Maybe you would like to use all-natural products but just don't have the time to make them yourself. Well, I can help! I have started a new business called "grandma bea's" featuring all-natural beauty and home products that I make. Nothing artificial, just wholesome and homemade.
I chose the name to honor my maternal grandmother, Beatrice. Grandma Bea was, and continues to be, a wonderful influence on my life. Grandma Bea just seemed the perfect name as the products are wholesome, as she was, and they're homemade, as she lived. The joy in making my products is made even more meaningful now that I'm they bear her name.
I hope to have paypal set up within the next week so that you will be able to place an order online. Until then, visit
"grandma bea's" facebook page.